Schools in Britain

In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age. Parents can choose to send their children to a nursery school or a pre-school play group to prepare them for the start of compulsory education.

All state schools in Britain are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. Ninety per cent of schools in England, Scotland and Wales are co-educational. That means that boys and girls are taught together in the same class.

At the age of 5 children go to infant school, which is the first stage of primary education. There is no written timetable and classes are informal. From 7 to 11 pupils attend junior school, which is the second stage of primary education. In primary school children are taught the so-called 3R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic. They also have music, physical training and art classes.

At the age of 11 most pupils go to secondary schools called comprehensive schools. These schools accept children of all abilities without entrance exams. About six per cent of students go to grammar schools, which take students who pass the eleven-plus examination. Grammar schools lead towards higher education, whereas comprehensives give general or vocational education.

At 16 pupils take national exam called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and then they can leave school if they wish. This is the end of compulsory education. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a sixth-form college. The sixth form prepares students for the national exam called A-level (Advanced-level) at 18. You need A-levels to enter a university.

Other 16-year-olds choose to go to a college of further education to study for more practical diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing or mechanics.

Along with the state schools, there are about 500 private schools in Britain. Most of them charge fees. Some private schools are boarding schools, where the children actually live in the school. Many schools admit day pupils as well as boarders. Private schools usually offer only the most academic line and select those students who are most likely to succeed. The most expensive private schools are called “public schools” and they have a long history and tradition. Among the most famous public schools are Winchester, Eton, Westminster, Rugby and Harrow.

1.  education – образование

2.  compulsory -  обязательный

3. nursery school -  детский сад (от 2 до 5 лет)

4. pre-school -  дошкольный

5. to prepare готовить

6.  state school – государственная школа

7. free -  бесплатный

8. to provide обеспечивать

9. equipment – оборудование

10. co-educational school школа совместного обучения

11. to mean – означать

12. primary -  начальный

13. infant school школа для малышей (младшая начальная школа от 5 до 7 лет)

14. junior school -  начальная школа (для детей от 7 до 11)

15. timetable расписание

16. to attend – посещать

17.  secondary средний

18. comprehensive school средняя общеобразовательная школа

19. to accept принимать

20. ability -  способность.

21. entrance test вступительный экзамен

22. eleven-plus examination отборочный экзамен для школьников 11 лет

23. to lead – всести

24.  higher education -  высшее образование

25. whereas -  тогда как

26. vocational -  профессиональный

27. advanced level продвинутый, повышенный уровень

28.  to enter a university -  поступить в университет

29. college of further education колледж дальнейшего образования

30. hairdressing парикмахерское искусство

31. private school  - частная школа

32. to charge fees – взымать плать

33. boarding schools – школа-интернат

34. to admit – принимать

35. to select – отбирать

36. most likely – скорее всего

37. to succeed – добиваться успеха

38. expensive - дорогой


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British Schools
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In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age. Everybody studies English, maths and science up to the age of 16. The subjects are compulsory. In the first years of secondary school, students have 12 different subjects.

90% of students go to comprehensive schools. Comprehensive schools are state schools which are open to all students.

In England private schools are called public schools, or independent schools. Independent schools are very expensive. Only 7% of students go to these schools.

There is one subject in English schools that isn't very usual in other countries. It's called Design and Technology (D&T). When you study this subject, you study different things like food, textiles and materials and electronic products.

In England parents can teach their children at home. This is called home schooling. About 50,000 children study at home and not at school.

At 16, English students take national exams called GCSE. GCSE means General Certificate of Secondary Education. 

After GCSE, it is possible to finish your study in the sixth form. You study the subjects you like and no subjects are compulsory. Students do just three or four subjects. They take national exams in these subjects. The exams are called A-levels (Advanced levels)

English secondary school students normally call their teachers Sir(for men) and Miss (for women)